Everything Else
How To: Make a storyboard
Making a storyboard before shooting a movie is like drawing a blueprint before grabbing a hammer and nails. Do it well, and make sure your film is structurally sound.
How To: Shoot low-angle footage
This how-to video offers some pointers on how to take footage from a low angle. This technique captures a unique perspective neglected by traditional methods of film-making. The principle is simple, flip the camera and go. Check out this video lesson and learn how to shoot low angle footage.
How To: Write better action beats in a screenplay
Writing a script is easy, but writing a script that the Hollywood elite would actually like to pick up is a totally different story. Any aspiring screenwriter will find this information about action in scripts helpful.
How To: Record good audio with your video camera
Are you an aspiring filmmaker? If so, you might not have made it to Steven Spielberg status just yet, which means you could learn a thing or two. Eos Lighting has made this video to help teach you a little bit about sound on a video camera.
How To: Write a script following proper screenplay format
Mike and Rajo from the SubStream's "Film Lab" have some tips regarding pre-production and development for proper script format.
How To: Weigh risk when making a film in extreme conditions
How far do you push to get the ultimate shot? Michael Brown tells how to weigh risk when making a movie in extreme conditions. This is a video from Serac Adventure School. It describes gear and the pros - cons of shooting under duress. Weigh risk when making a film in extreme conditions.
How To: Cast your first movie
Good casting can bring a script to life. The trick is knowing where to look for the best people. Watch this filmmaking how to video to learn how to make your first movie (and not make any casting mistakes).
How To: Write your first screenplay
The screenwriter Gene Fowler once said, “Writing is easy: All you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.” Here’s how to make the process of writing your first screenplay a little less painful. You will need a formatting guide, a realistic set of expectations and source material. This video provides general knowledge on screenwriting.
How To: Write a script for a documentary film
Mike from the SubStream's "Film Lab" has some tips regarding screenwriting, specifically... documentary scripts.
How To: Complete preproduction paperwork: Script breakdown
Mike from the SubStream's "Film Lab" has some tips on preproduction paperwork. Learn how to complete preproduction paperwork. Specifically, break down the script. You know that you don't want to do it, but it's important, okay?
How To: Distribute a film and avoid the pitfalls of contracts
FreshDV had the opportunity recently to speak with Jerome Courshon on the marketing and distribution of movies and films. Jerome offers a full course in the “Secrets of Distribution” . If you are a filmmaker of any kind you owe it to your crew, your cast and yourself to watch this segment. From contracts, residuals, and pitfalls to avoid Jerome covers the 101 basics of film distribution and helps prepare you for what you need to know once the ink dries on the DVDs. In Jerome’s words:
How To: Slate a film, read a line script and keep a shot log
If you have ever wondered about the functionality of slating during a film shoot, what a shooting script or line script is and how to keep a shot log, then this may be the perfect video tutorial for you, in two parts.
How To: Make a music video
A good video can turn a mediocre song into a smash hit, while a bad video. Well, that's just embarrassing. While MTV doesn't really play music anymore, the internet is flooded with good old fashioned music videos. This how-to video will offer some tips for making yours stand out of the crowd. You don't need to be too literal, but try picking a style. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to make a music video.
How To: Arrange computer equipment for post production studio
Learn how to arrange computer equipment for a post-production video studio with expert tips and advice on film making, studios, movies, and video post-production in this free online video clip. Arrange computer equipment for post production studio - Part 1 of 15.
How To: Write a play analysis
Analyzing a play can help actors, directors, or scholars to understand everything about a given play. Learn how to write a play analysis in this free theater video from a college professor.
How To: Direct an actor without interfering
Indie moguls, Anson and Don, give a tip they picked up from fellow director, Ron Howard. An overeager director might interfere with the acting process, but Anson and Don (as well as Ron Howard) suggest the don't say something until you have to say something method. Watch this video how to direct tutorial and learn a helpful tip about working with an actor.
How To: Build a low cost teleprompter with Bill Myers
This video is about how to create a low cost teleprompter using your computer, a long vga cable, and your LCD or Plasma TV
How To: Superimpose images with a green screen and chroma key
This video gives a ten minute tutorial on how to achieve the superimposition effect for web videos with a little props and software.
How To: Prepare for your first professional film shoot
In this episode, Steve shares some knowledge he's gained through working on no-budget movies to help keep production smooth and professional. With hits from Jared like "How to Properly Clean Your Lens the Night Before a Shoot", this episode is sure to hit #1 on the Billboard Charts for podcasts! What? Billboard doesn't chart podcasts!?!
How To: Make a popular internet live show
Sarah Austin from Pop17 has been getting a lot of emails recently about how she makes her live show. Well, this is how she does it, so listen up carefully. She covers everything from the audio to lights and green screen.
How To: Make a professional looking web show for cheap
See how to make a low budget web show, like Pop17, seem like a grand thing. This is low budget basics including lighting, microphone and an HDV camera. You should also edit it in Final Cut Pro, because that's what Pop17 does.
How To: Put product placement in your zero budget film
A few tips on how to attract major sponsorship for your zero budget film - and what tactics to avoid...
How To: Storyboard your script with help from Sean Astin
Sean Astin hosts AFI's filmmaking tutorial series, LIGHTS, CAMERA, EDUCATION! In this segment, we explore the importance and how-to of storyboarding your film or video.
How To: Pitch your film with help from Sean Astin
Sean Astin hosts AFI's filmmaking tutorial series, LIGHTS, CAMERA, EDUCATION! Here, we explore "The Pitch" or presenting your ideas for your film script.
How To: Describe action in a film script
How To Describe Action In A Film Script: This video provides you with the screenwriting basics to getting action down on paper. VideoJug shows you these tips which will send you on your way to Hollywood, so learn how to describe action in a film script with us. Describe action in a film script.
How To: Format dialogue in a film script
How To Format Dialogue In A Film Script: Writing a good script is one thing - but writing a professional-looking script is another. However good your ideas are, you'll never make it to Hollywood unless you master the basics of formatting and laying out your dialogue properly. Watch this VideoJug film for our handy guide to the basics or formatting dialogue in a film script. Format dialogue in a film script.
How To: Find and use free public domain footage for your movie
Here's how to find and use Free Public Domain Movies and old TV commercials in your work. Also in this episode, a few inexpensive utilities that will convert video formats so they are ready for editing in your editing program of choice.
How To: Storyboard your films
Unless it's a scene with so many punches and kicks and explosions, storyboarding an entire movie or short isn't a requirement. However, it can be of use anyway; especially if your movie calls for seventy different shots that you can't all remember; or if you need a visual reference to hand to your crew.
How To: Shoot an anonymous interview for documentaries
Watch this video to learn how to shoot anonymous interviews for documentaries. Matt explains how to maintain anonymity using the proper lighting and audio effects.
How To: Create mise-en-scene for your film
Watch this video to learn how to create mise-en-scene if you are making a movie. Elements of mise-en-scene are explained. Apply these ideas to your own film!
How To: Shoot video in the snow
Brandon goes into the wilderness to shoot video in the snow. He demonstrates which situations to avoid and which provide ideal opportunities for great looking winter videos.
How To: Create a "natural wipe" in film
Jennifer talks about the technique known as "Natural Wipes". She gives several examples of these types of "in camera" transitions and how they can be used to create better videos.
How To: Use transitions in film
Brandon Pinard discusses the most commonly used transitions in television and film: the Cut, the Fade and the Dissolve. He covers the basic definition of each of the three transitions, how they are most commonly used in the film and television industries, and how anyone can improve their own videos with the proper understanding of these transitions.
How To: Shoot in extreme weather and rain
You need a rain barney among other items before you go out there and record the world's end. Shooting in extreme weather conditions? Heavy rain or snow and high winds can pose quite the obstacle, but with a little bit of foresight, a few tips from Matt, and the right equipment, such as a rain barney and woolie, your show will go on!
How To: Establish the main character and the inciting incident
Watch this video to learn about screen writing and story structure in order to make your own movie. The "Inciting Incident" is explained— the moment in the first act that propels the rest of the story into motion. As an introduction into creative storytelling: Don't ever allow the inciting incident to be boring.
How To: Storyboard your movie on the cheap
Ben and Paul demonstrate the important process of storyboarding as a tool to plan your film.
How To: Storyboard when making a movie
Storyboards are like blueprints for your movies. And the bigger your production, the more important they become. Making a movie without a storyboard is like throwing your money into a bottomless pit. Watch this video and learn how to make your own storyboards!
How To: Format scenes in a film script
Are you a closet film buff with a movie up your sleeve? Do you have a great film idea that's guaranteed to be a blockbuster? VideoJug presents the screenwriting basics to formatting the scenes in your film script like a pro, and giving those Hollywood screenwriters a run for their money. Format scenes in a film script.
How To: Format a film script
Want to write a film, but don't know where to start? Worried that your film script won't be up to scratch, and wondering how professional screenwriters format their screenplays? VideoJug presents the basics of screenwriting to help you lay out and format your future Hollywood blockbuster ready to send to agents and producers. Format a film script.
How To: Create a budget for your independent film
Ben Lyons (Producer) gives expert video advice on what are examples of budgeting for pre-production? What would a general breakdown of a budget look like and more about budgeting a film. Create a budget for your independent film.